What is Google Ads contextual advertising? Google Ads contextual advertising is a form of online advertising in which ads are shown to users based on their ...
Quality Score is Google's scoring tool. The system checks if the keywords match the search queries. The content of PPC ads is also taken into account. A score is assigned for ...
Effective January 1, 2022, ads on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Google and a number of other companies are taxed at 20%. Who will pay? This tax is mandatory for all advertisers who have ...
How to reduce the cost per click in contextual advertising, while increasing sales? This is where Google's Quality Score helps. It determines how web pages match ...
Do you want to get a place on the "online showcase"? When users type in a Google search for a product name, they see store products with photos and prices. By clicking on the ad, they go to ...
Did the customer leave the item in the cart and leave the site? Do you need to introduce the brand to the audience and make it recognizable or offer a product to those who are not yet interested in it? In such situations ...
In 2020, Google Ads launched several important updates that expand the possibilities for running successful advertising campaigns. We decided to talk about them in more detail in our review. ...
Google's net income for 2016 increased by 19% to $19.5 billion. For many years, the main source of income for the company has been contextual advertising in the network of its own and ...
In 2015, an important event took place, although not too noticeable to the general public - the number of search queries on Google from mobile devices exceeded the number of queries from desktops. ...
The demand for various goods and services depends on many conditions. In some cases, weather conditions have a certain influence. For example, in rainy weather, an increase in demand for orders from ...
With Google My Business, you can manage basic information about your business. It allows you to add photos and business information (address, phone, opening hours), leave ...
All PPC specialists, as well as beginners, face the following problem when launching their advertising campaigns in Google Adwords. Carefully selected keywords ...
The author of the infographics translation: SMM specialist of the StarMarketing strategic Internet marketing agency Irma Nanovskaya
Whatever your level of knowledge and expertise, the first thing to start with is to familiarize yourself with the business goals of the site. All owners of commercial sites want to get more customers, then ...
First of all, when any specialist starts creating and setting up advertising, he must find out from the client not only WHAT the latter wants to advertise, but also in which localities ...
There are questions that you just need to ask an advertising agency. More importantly, prospective performers provide reassurance-inspiring, intelligent, and insightful responses. ...
What tools does Google use to know which ads to show us? Every day, entering new information into Google search, we do not think about the high cost of the search engine. Actually ...
This article, written by LunaMetrics Lead SEO Specialist Chris Vella, will tell you how to avoid mistakes as a beginner and how to get started in learning PPC. If you haven't made up your mind, ...