Facebook Ads Advertising on Instagram Advertising on YouTube Advertising on TikTok Advertising on Linkedin
from 24900 UAH from 24900 UAH from 19900 UAH from 24900 UAH from 24900 UAH

You can immediately call us or leave a request for advertising on social networks in Kyiv and all of Ukraine:

Social network Advertising management Advertising budget Turnkey budget
Facebook Ads 14900 UAH from 10000 UAH from 24900 UAH/month
Instagram Ads 14900 UAH from 10000 UAH from 24900 UAH/month
Facebook+Instagram Ads 16500 UAH from 15000 UAH from 31500 UAH/month
TikTok Ads 14900 UAH from 10000 UAH from 24900 UAH/month
YouTube Video Ads 9900 UAH from 10000 UAH from 19900 UAH/month
Linkedin Ads 14900 UAH from 10000 UAH from 19900 UAH/month

The cost of targeted advertising in Ukraine depends on many factors, such as the chosen advertising channel (for example, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube), geographic location of the audience, quantity and quality of the audience, advertising format (for example, video, picture, carousel, etc.) and duration of the campaign.

The most common method of paying for targeted advertising in Ukraine is pay per click (CPC) or impression (CPM). Prices for targeted advertising in Ukraine may vary depending on a number of factors, but in general, the cost of targeted advertising in Ukraine on Facebook can start from $0.1-0.2 per click and from $0.02-0.03 per impression .

However, the cost of targeted advertising can be significantly higher or lower than the indicated prices, depending on the specific situation.

Advertising? from 24900gns
Cost of conversion/lead? from 50 UAH


  • 2.7 billion active users. TOP1 social network by audience.
  • Advanced target settings. Smart interest targeting. Machine learning.
  • Opinion leaders present
  • Effective for promoting goods and services
  • Large set of promotional tools
  • High engagement - users often share content
  • The audience is loyal to the presence of advertising/brands in social networks


  • Rigid / in some places inadequate moderation of advertising content
  • High competition in the target = expensive advertising
  • Showing friends' actions makes users self-censor
  • Facebook prohibits copyright infringement

Advertising? from 24900gns
Cost of conversion/lead? from 47 UAH


  • 1.3 billion active users worldwide
  • Advanced targeting settings from Facebook. Smart interest targeting. Machine learning.
  • Low cost of traffic compared to other social networks, the ability to build long-term relationships with the client, fueling interest with regular posts
  • Easy to process photos and replace them, accessibility and ease of monitoring competitors


  • Specific content, emphasis on the visual component
  • Low level of technical support. Hard moderation.
  • weak privacy settings and, accordingly, openness to competitors
  • high probability of getting a ban especially for beginners.

Advertising? from 19900grn


  • 2.3 billion users worldwide. 2nd social network in the world.
  • The best time spent on the platform
  • Flexible targeting settings (mechanism to show ads only to the target audience).
  • The perfect branding tool


  • Weak feedback.
  • No direct lead generation option
  • High costs for video production

Advertising? from 24900gns
Cost of conversion/lead? from 64 UAH


  • The fastest growing social network in the world.
  • Audience 1 billion active users
  • There is still low competition in targeted advertising, since the targeting tool itself appeared only in 2021


  • The youngest social media audience
  • Limited promotion tools
  • Work in the target only through certified agencies (such as StarMarketing)

Advertising? from 24900gns
Cost of conversion/lead? from 81 UAH


  • The largest business social network
  • Active audience 400 million users
  • "Niche" audience (dominated by businessmen, marketers, journalists)
  • Low competition in targeted advertising across many niches
  • Low competition in targeted advertising across many niches


  • Part of the audience enters the social network rarely
  • Target is inferior in functionality to other social networks


Real estate

Political projects


Beauty Salons





Attracting new potential customers to the site and communities in social networks.

Multiple growth of targeted subscribers on your pages and communities.

Increasing website sales by referring subscribers from your communities.

Growth in repeat sales by keeping your customers in the community.

Formation of a positive image of the company and brand among the target audience.


Targeted advertising is the most effective tool for promotion on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok.

Targeted advertising has 4 strategic goals:

  • Lead generation – launching advertising campaigns for a new audience based on interests in order to obtain direct leads and subsequently sell goods and services.
  • Retargeting - “boosting” and turning into leads / sales of users who visited your site.
  • Promoting your posts among all users.
  • Attracting new subscribers - targeting interests. Interests are selected that allow you to find the target audience and friends of page subscribers.

Targeted advertising is an indispensable tool, because in addition to direct sales, it significantly increases the overall effectiveness of SMM promotion, increases brand awareness, provides a very cheap additional point of contact with the audience, significantly increases awareness among potential customers about the company, about related events, and also allows almost It’s not free to subscribe an already loyal user to the brand’s pages, turning him into a real brand advocate over time.

Targeted advertising in social networks Kiev
from 14900

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