Facebook Promotion Poltava Promotion in Instagram Poltava Promotion in YouTube Poltava Promotion in TikTok Poltava Promotion in Linkedin Poltava

You can immediately call us or leave a request for promotion in social networks:

Social network Cost for management of the Republic of Kazakhstan Advertising budget Min turnkey budget
Facebook Advertising Poltava 14900грн/month from 10000грн/month from 24900grn/month
Instagram Advertising Poltava 14900грн/month from 10000грн/month from 24900grn/month
Facebook+Instagram advertising Poltava 16500грн/month from 15000grn/month from 31500grn/month
Advertising TikTok Poltava 14900грн/month from 10000грн/month from 24900grn/month
YouTube Advertising Poltava 9900грн/month from 5000 UAH/month from 14900grn/month
Advertising LinkedIn Poltava 14900грн/month from 10000грн/month from 14900grn/month

Maintaining social networks Poltava: 19900 UAH/month

Formalization of social networks in Poltava: 18900 UAH

Choosing an SMM agency is a responsible step for any business, as the perception of your brand on social media depends on the quality of this agency's work. If you are in Poltava or the region and want to choose an SMM agency, here are some tips that will help you make the right choice:

Explore SMM portfolios:

Check out the agency's work on their website or social media. This will allow you to understand what kind of projects they have already realized and assess the quality of their work.

Reviews and Recommendations:

Searching for reviews of the agency online can give an idea of the quality of their services. Do not focus only on positive reviews; it is also important to see how the agency responds to criticism.

Local experience:

If regional context is important to you, look for agencies that have experience working with local clients.

SMM Services:

Determine what services the agency provides. Some agencies specialize in only one social platform, while others provide comprehensive promotion.


Pay attention to how quickly and professionally the agency responds to your requests. Effective communication is essential in the process of cooperation.


Compare the cost of different agencies. It is not always worth choosing the cheapest offer, but it is important to understand exactly what you are paying for.

SMM strategy:

The best agencies provide the client with a clear promotion strategy with goals, objectives and metrics to evaluate results.

SMM cases:

Analyze real cases of the agency. This will help you understand what results they are able to achieve in practice.


A reliable agency always provides the client with reports on the work done and results achieved.


Pay attention to the agency's approach to work. It should strive to understand the specifics of your business and offer a customized solution.

Once you have done your initial research and compiled a list of potential agencies, it is recommended to hold meetings or online consultations with representatives of each of them. This will help you better understand their professional level and choose the partner that best meets your requirements.

Fashion boutique in Poltava:

Task: Attracting a female audience to a new clothing collection.
Solution: Placement of targeted advertising in Instagram with video presentation of the new collection. Target audience - women 18-35 years old from Poltava.
Result: In two weeks, the number of sales increased by 20% and traffic to the store's website increased by 40%.

Car service in Kremenchug:

Task: Attracting car owners to a new auto diagnostic service.
Solution: Targeted advertising in Facebook with a promotional offer for diagnostics. Target audience - men 25-50 years old who own cars.
Result: During the month the number of clients who came for diagnostics increased 2 times.

Fitness club in Goryshnye Plavnye:

Task: Selling season tickets for the summer season.
Solution: Targeted advertising in Instagram with a video review of the club, workouts and a special offer for new clients. Target audience - men and women 18-45 years old.
Result: Season ticket sales increased 30% over the previous summer season.
Targeted advertising in social networks allows a business to accurately find its target audience, adapting advertising materials to the interests and needs of potential customers to the maximum extent possible. Successful application of such a tool requires a deep understanding of the audience and its preferences.

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