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Sooner or later, any site owner who runs advertising in Yandex.Direct faces the task of analyzing the results of advertising in detail. To do this, most Internet marketers use the widest in terms of capabilities and functionality (among free tools) service - Universal Analytics from Google. Only this service does not show detailed statistics on expenses from Yandex.Direct. But that doesn't mean Universal Analytics can't be taught.

In order to set up import from Yandex.Direct, you need to follow a few simple steps, which will be discussed below.


 1. Setting up Google Analytics

  1. Let's start by teaching the Google analytics service in the version of Universal Analytics to “understand” the data that we plan to transfer to it.

1.1. Log in to the Administrator section in Google Analytics

1.2. Select the Import data item in the Resource block and then click the “Create data set” button

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics


1.3. For the Data Set Type, you must select the value “Expense Data”

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics

1.4. Specify basic information about the dataset: a name and views that will use the data from this dataset.


Important! You cannot select views with filters. IN In this case, the automatic data import service will not work. And also, you need to make sure that the currency is correctly configured in the views and it matches the currency in Yandex.Direct. Otherwisee, the data will be corrupted.


How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics

1.5. In the next step, select key dataset parameters.

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics

After completing all the steps, click Save. That's it, creating a dataset completed. Now Google Analytics knows what we want to import into it, and all that remains is to configure this very import.



2. Setting up the service for importing data from Yandex.Direct

There are several ways to import data into Google Analytics: manually or using the automatic import service. This article discusses the import option using a third-party OWOX service.

To get started, you need to go to link and register:

After that, log in to the service and on the main page in the left sidebar select Data Streams -> Create Stream. In the window that appears, all stream settings will be made.


2.1. First you need to select a data source. In our case, Yandex.Direct.

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics


2.2. Next, provide access to Yandex.Direct. To do this, click Add, in the window that appears, log in to your account and select the project for which data will be imported.

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics


2.3. The next step is to grant access to your Google Analytics account.

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics


2.4. Select the resource and the previously created dataset for import.

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics


2.5. At the last step, you can add VAT in Settings. After that, we save all the settings.

Now you need to wait a while for the service to automatically import the data. The results of the import can be seen when viewing the generated stream on the History tab.

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics


Important! In order for the import to work correctly, all ads in Yandex.Direct must have standard UTM tags added.

This completes the setup. You can proceed to view the results.



3. View reports

To view a report with the data received from Yandex.Direct, you need to log into the appropriate Google Analytics account, select the Traffic sources -> Campaigns -> Cost analysis item in the Reports. As a result, you get an overall summary of costs and results.

How to set up data import from Yandex.Direct to Google.Analytics


As you can see, setting up the import of costs from Yandex.Direct to Google Analytics is very simple and does not require a lot of time. HO, it is this setting that will allow you to collect information on advertising costs from both Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct in one service, as well as analyze the results obtained with more complete information.


Author: web-programmer of the StarMarketing agency of strategic Internet marketing Ekaterina Demyanchuk

About the author - Vadim Steblinsky
