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Since the second half of May 2017, many website owners in Ukraine have encountered problems with the speed of their websites. The site starts to freeze, it takes a long time to load, and the full page load time can take up to a minute. Moreover, no changes were made to the sites, everything used to work quickly.

Possible causes of freezes

The cause of freezes and slow work of sites was Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 133/2017

The decree ordered Ukrainian Internet providers to block the most popular Russian Internet services and resources. Namely: Yandex and Mail.ru services, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki social networks.

vkontakt yandex_eng_logo-360

The problem with Ukrainian sites freezing is that many webmasters used various scripts and widgets from banned Russian sites, which are now blocked by most Ukrainian providers.

What scripts slow down Ukrainian sites?

We list the main scripts that can affect the speed of your site:

  1. Yandex scripts on websites
    1. Yandex Metrica, Yandex Webvisor
    2. Yandex maps
    3. Yandex Direct retargeting code
  2. Vkontakte scripts
    1. Vkontakte widget script
    2. Vkontakte retargeting pixel
  3. Mail.ru and Ok scripts
    1. Odnoklassniki widget script
    2. Widget script My World, Dating mail.ru etc.

How to determine if there are blocked scripts on my site?

Option 1: The easiest method is to ask the programmer to look at the site code for yandex, vk scripts, etc.

Option 2: For advanced users

  1. Go to your website pages
  2. View site code. Usually the key combination <Ctrl+U>
  3. Use the search by page code. Keyboard shortcut<ctrl+f>
  4. Enter blocked domains into the search (yandex, vk, ok, mail.ru, etc.)

Example (found by Yandex Metrica on the site):Yandex Metrica code on the site

How to fix freezing of scripts of Russian services on websites?

The easiest and most effective way to solve the problem is to delete all vk.com, yandex.ru, ok.ru, mail.ru scripts on the site. We recommend him. As a replacement for Yandex Metrica, we use Google Analytics. Unfortunately, at the moment there are no free alternatives to the Webvisor service, cat. can be additionally connected to Yandex Metrica.

We will not give instructions for removing certain codes, because it is better to entrust it to a WEB programmer, so as not to accidentally remove unnecessary things and not “break” the site.

About the author - Vadim Steblinsky
