Today, the promotion of business on Twitter among Ukrainian companies is questionable. With similar caution, our business mastered Vkontakte and Facebook a few years ago. Meanwhile, over the current year, the segment of the Ukrainian audience in the microblogging service has doubled. Do you want to know how your business can benefit from promotion on Twitter and what is interesting about Ukrainian users of this social network? Read on and you will find the answers in this article.
It is a well-known fact that the Twitter microblogging service is one of the largest social networks in the world, you can find the history of its development and success on many sites. V ANDinternete, A common concepts on Twitter can be found Here.
How many real users on Twitter Wahneta?
Twitter does not actually provide public data on the number of registered users by region, in particular for Ukraine. Latest official data audience given for the global scale as of June 30, 2015. Nevertheless, we have the opportunity to view the target audience in an alternative and more suitable way for compiling an objective picture of the world. For example, the research company Gemius estimates the number of real people (Real Users) consuming online content, not the number of cookies.
So, the social network Twitter, according to Yandex in 2014, 430 thousand citizens of Ukraine used it. Later, based on average monthly data 2013-2014 Gemius analysts submitted information on how popular the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are among Internet users aged 18 to 69 in different countries. As it turned out, it is Twitter that is growing the fastest in our country - in terms of audience, Ukraine ranks third among other countries.
Further more interesting. In July 2015, it became known that in Ukraine, the share of the Twitter audience increased by 56% over the year. Moreover, pay attention to the popularity of the microblogging service in comparison with other social networks..

The popularity of social networks among the Internet audience of Ukraine, as of July 2015
Twitter in Ukraine is more popular than Instagram, Google+ and Linkedin
Of course, one could simply indicate one figure at the beginning of the article, on Twitter - 670,800 Ukrainian users in 2015. But, the fact is that in the context of promotion, it is important to know how many active (and not once registered) users and their correspondence to the target audience of the business.
As for the peculiarities of Ukrainian Twitter users
The audience on Twitter has its own unique characteristics, different from the users of other social networks. Data brand analytics show that Twitter has overtaken Facebook in terms of the number of messages, despite the fact that there are fewer authors. In addition, among Ukrainian users on Twitter, the presence of men is slightly higher compared to other social networks, and age category generally similar to Facebook.

Brand Analytics research, Social media in Ukraine, April 2015.
Author - a user who has written at least 1 public message per month. Message - any open (public) post - in the status, on the wall, in groups, comments, etc. Messages in personal correspondence or in the "only for friends" mode are not taken into account.
Presence of Ukrainian business on Twitter
The personal profiles of media, cultural and political figures are currently the most popular, while the presence of brands and the growth of their audience on Twitter is steadily gaining momentum. At the end of the last month, the largest audience and reader growth are observed among the following brands:
followers are readers who have clicked on the Follow button on the brand page, which will allow them to follow the tweets published by the brand in their feed, a kind of analogue of subscribers to Vkontakte and Facebook pages.
Top 20 brands on Twitter September 2015 include: banks, mobile operators and services, online stores and one restaurant Kozyrnaya Karta with an indicator 7,606 readers. There is an opinion that there are more followers in the business communities of the social network Facebook than on Twitter, is it really so?
Facebook or Twitter
If to speak O the number of readers and brand followers on Facebook and Twitter, That It is worth considering the important difference in the features of ranking publications in these social networks. After all, this factor is directly related to the real audience of the brand in the social network. How many people will see your post in the feed? If we're talking about Facebook, then without special promotion and financial resources, out of the total number of subscribers, only 15% will actually interact with you and see the publications of your page.

Average audience reach for a page with 1,000 followers (based on over 11,033 Facebook pages as of October 23)
A Facebook page with 1,000 fans is on average free for 150 followers. In this case this gives a nice advantage to Twitter, in which readers see all the posts of profiles they follow. Now let's look at the average number of subscribers for September in these social networks and determine how many people actually interact with brand pages.
As we see, in terms of the average number of followers in the top 20, Facebook is in the lead, however if we know about the features of the coverage of publications and have elementary mathematical skills, we can see the following picture:
16.2% from 125 952 = 20 404.22
20,404 — on average, subscribers saw the publication of a brand page on Facebook for free
20 404 < 49 613
It follows that on average there are twice as many people on Twitter who see publications their brands. Of course, all these are statistics and numbers, but in the real world everything is known in testing, conversion rates and conversion on the site.
Today, the microblogging service represents ample opportunities for Ukrainian business. At the same time, everyone decides — use Twitter now as a new promotional niche and market segment, or wait until more regular users appear on this social network. If in the future you are interested in learning how to promote your business on Twitter and other social networks, follow the StarMarketing blog for updates, and if the article turned out to be useful to you, do not forget to click the like button.
More target audience and loyal customers for you!
Author: SMM specialist of the agency of strategic Internet marketing "StarMarketing" Irma Nanovskaya