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At the end of October, it became known that Google was using a new artificial intelligence system (first this information was published in Bloomberg, then confirmed by Google officials). Internet marketers were immediately intrigued by this news.

RankBrain: artificial intelligence system from Google

RankBrain is a new ranking signal that helps Google track relevant pages for certain queries that are not contained on site pages in a direct match, or when using search term synonyms. That is, this update examines queries entered by users, then examines the information provided on the site. And already on the basis of a comparison of the search query and the relevance of the posted information, it comes to the conclusion whether the given page is relevant to the query or not. RankBrain is part of the Hummingbird algorithm.


According to Google representatives, the new ranking signal analyzes up to several billion pages per day, respectively, today this update begins to affect changes in search results.



What will change in SEO with the introduction of a new ranking signal?

Global changes in the SEO industry are not expected, because. The priority of quality content in the eyes of search engines has been observed for a long time. The introduction of RankBrain is another confirmation of this.


Webmasters, copywriters, seo-optimizers, and indeed everyone who works with content should pay great attention to text analysis. To make it better, bringing additional value to the users who read it. Do not forget about its visual representation, which also has an important role:


  • using a header placed in <h1>;
  • header usage <h2> (at least twice) <h3>…</h6>;
  • use of lists (numbered or bulleted);
  • separating text into paragraphs and formatting it with tags <p>;
  • write for people, do not introduce all the keywords in a chaotic manner (it is enough to use one direct occurrence of the keyword);
  • try to write high-quality text without water (information that does not carry a semantic load);
  • you can use tags to highlight words that make sense to the user (underline, italics And bold fonts);
  • relinking (also part of text optimization).



Quality or uniqueness of content: what to give preference to?

Many have a misunderstanding of what to pay more attention to: the uniqueness of the text or its quality? After all, it happens that the text is unique on 100%, but its quality is terrible, there is a lot of water and grammatical errors. It happens the other way around, when the text contains a lot of useful information, fully reveals the essence of the issue and gives food for thought, but its uniqueness is quite low.


Good content is both high uniqueness and its quality. In other words, by combining these two factors you will achieve the best results. Note that striving for 100% uniqueness is not always reasonable, since Google and Yandex are quite good at useful content, whose uniqueness is not lower than 85%.  

Write for people and then your site will be interesting not only to potential customers, but also noticed by search engines who will love it and visit it with pleasure 😉


Author: SEO-specialist of the strategic Internet marketing agency "StarMarketing" Khylenko Vyacheslav.


About the author - Vadim Steblinsky
