List of February innovations in search engines and social networks.
- The other day Google announced, which in the very near future will completely refuse to display ads on Flash, in favor of HTML5. Starting from 06/30/2016, flash banners can no longer be uploaded to AdWords and DoubleClick Digital Marketing. And starting from January 2, 2017, flash ads will not be displayed in the Google Display Network advertising network and through DoubleClick. This announcement does not yet apply to videos created in Flash, only banners will be blocked for now. +GoogleAds
- The official blog of Google AdWords presents New means of protection against bots, the automated filter is now available to all DoubleClick Bid Manager and Display Network (GDN) marketers.
- #AskAdWords | Google AdWords introduces user support through social networks. The company now offers support through the G+, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube pages 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday. Subscribe to AdWords pages on social networks here:
Google+ |
GoogleForBusiness |
YouTube |
Help – AdWords |
@AdWordsRussia |
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VK | |
- For developers | Announcement v201601 in the AdWords API , contact options and access to People API , as well as three new solutions that Now available in AdWords scripts.
- One of the most popular February news is that Yandex will start to lower "non-mobile" sites in the search results. A new ranking factor has appeared in Yandex mobile search — the adaptability of sites for mobile devices. The new formula, which takes into account the suitability of web pages for mobile devices, is called "Vladivostok". Now the extent to which the site is adapted for mobile devices is a ranking factor and affects the position of the site in the search results. The algorithm so far only works for Runet, but in the coming months they promise to roll it out for Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. Details can be found on the Yandex blog. for webmasters.
- According to Yandex statistics, the most popular queries on the eve of February 14 include [I hate Valentine's Day].
- We have updated the Yandex.Maps app for Android. It has filters for selecting organizations, photos of places, synchronization of favorites with the web version of Maps and mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. In addition, the Maps interface has been completely redesigned, especially noticeable when working with routes.
- Poster Daily published the story of a schoolboy who works as a designer at Yandex
- Yandex Design School, which started on January 27, already has 7 episodes of the video course, which are available for viewing.
- Registration is open for Yet another Conference on Marketing 2016 — a conference dedicated to marketing technologies in e-commerce and advertising on the Internet.
In contact with
- VKontakte for Business will now prepare a detailed overview of the last month on the key innovations and changes in the social network that affect your business. Available review for January.
- Up-to-date data on the audience and features of using VKontakte in four key countries of presence: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus — in comparison with other social networks and services. - On the page: More
- Number of VKontakte user registrations from Brazil exceeded one million.
- Two new open votes, the results of which you may be interested in. First voting on the principle of forming news feeds of VK users, and second opens data on how many groups and pages in the list of user-member communities.
- Also Vkontakte NOT innovations. Issue #65
- Facebook has conducted a study that allows you to challenge the "six handshake theory". This was reported on Thursday, February 4, on the blog of the social network. According to the theory, any two people on Earth are separated on average by only five levels of mutual acquaintances (or, in other words, six levels of connections). But Facebook believes that thanks to social networks, the world has become even “closer”. It turned out that two people logged into Facebook share an average of 3.57 "handshakes" (connection level).
Facebook has analyzed billions of connections between its users, which number 1.6 billion (about a quarter of the world's population).
At the same time, the study notes that in 2011, when fewer people were registered on Facebook, an average of 3.74 “handshakes” separated two people. In 2008, this figure was 4.28. - On Monday, February 1, Facebook statedthat it will improve the news feed, taking into account the advice and complaints of users. Changes will affect which updates will be placed at the beginning of the feed, and which - at the end of it. Note that Facebook has conducted a survey of its users on how they rate the content of their news feed over the last time. The focus was on the question of whether the update feed became less viral advertising and requests from users to "like" their posts. More Recall that on the 8th, the social network VKontakte published a survey on the topic “opportunities to filter out the most interesting entries and materials for you from the entire news flow” ...
- Zuckerberg broke into the top five richest people on the planet. The head of Facebook became the fourth in the ranking of billionaires Bloomberg, overtaking the heads of Amazon and Movix SAB - Jeff Bezos and Carlos Slim.
- Since last week, all users Instagram the ability to quickly switch between multiple accounts. You can add another account in the profile settings, and to switch between existing "accounts" you just need to click on the username. The new feature is of particular interest to SMM specialists. The update is already available to all users of the Instagram 7.15 app for iOS and Android.
- Instagram service launches counters views for videos. The new feature will not only track the number of views, but also the number of comments and likes, which can be seen by clicking on Views. According to the company, the amount of time spent watching videos on Instagram increased by 40%. Counters will be available in the Instagram app version 7.16 for iOS and Android in the coming weeks.
- Twitter lost 2 million active users. The audience of the service in the last quarter of 2015 was 305 million, while in the previous quarter it was 307 million.
- February 10 Twitter has announced a change to its News Feed algorithm. The new algorithm will display the most important tweets for a particular user at the beginning of the feed in reverse chronological order. Following them in the usual order will be the rest of the tweets. You can activate the new algorithm now. To do this, in the settings in the "Content" section, select the "Show top tweets" option. You can disable the feature there. In the coming weeks, the feature will become available to all Twitter users on iOS, Android and web.
SMM specialist of the agency of strategic Internet marketing Star Marketing Irma Nanovskaya