To track performance, we set goals for all active page elements, goals for scrolling, page views, and time spent on the site. Large volume…

To track performance, we set goals for all active page elements, goals for scrolling, page views, and time spent on the site. A large amount of information obtained from Analytics allowed us to draw conclusions in a short time and without spending large amounts of money on advertising. Advertising in the Display Network, Remarketing, Brand advertising, DPO performed well. Ads on more general topics were more expensive and less effective, and played little part in generating conversions for other campaigns (Associated Conversions report).

The topic is very extensive and it was necessary to find exactly that part of it that brings customers at the most favorable cost. We decided to test:

Text and banner ads that target audiences based on specific demographics and interests.

Banner and text remarketing with a series of different scenarios - segmentation of remarketing lists depending on requests and behavior on the site.

Contextual advertising in the search for targeted queries - a residential complex, from the developer, buy, sale, price, new building.

Branded advertising
Contextual advertising in Google and Yandex according to the client's brand requests.

Dynamic search ads
DPO - ads that are created and shown automatically when a user's search query matches the content on the site.

Advertising by main competitors
Contextual advertising at the request of direct and indirect competitors in the Kyiv region.

To track performance, we set goals for all active page elements, goals for scrolling, page views, and time spent on the site. A large amount of information obtained from Analytics allowed us to draw conclusions in a short time and without spending large amounts of money on advertising. Advertising in the Display Network, Remarketing, Brand advertising, DPO performed well. Ads on more general topics were more expensive and less effective, and played little part in generating conversions for other campaigns (Associated Conversions report).

CPC Conv, % Conv.cost
Are common 5,35 4,01 108,59
Best 1,85 10,03 15,55

For Remarketing, it was decided to divide the audience into several main groups: men and women in 2 age categories (18-44 and 44+ years old) and display specialized banners, New Year banners and general-purpose banners for each of the groups.

As a result of tracking work in the context of different types of banners, it was revealed that specialized banners have a higher click-through rate and a lower cost per click, but their conversion is slightly lower than that of general and New Year banners, resulting in approximately the same conversion cost for each type of banners.

CTR, % CPC, UAH Conv, % Conv.cost, UAH
Specialist 0,32 1,67 9,98 13,14
NG 0,24 1,78 12,04 13,04
Are common 0,27 1,84 11,68 12,91

Tracking work across demographics revealed that women, on average, are more likely to click and convert more than men. At the same cost per click, the cost per click for women was lower than for men, regardless of age group.

For the CCM, various general audiences were selected for coverage and an audience for the ROI "Apartments for sale (primary market)". The second option was much more effective, had indicators at the level of remarketing and branded campaigns, so we almost immediately abandoned the first audience in favor of the second.

2.1 times

Growth in the number of visitors

2.32 times

Reducing the cost of customer acquisition

1.68 times

Increase in the number of clients

5.7 times

Number of calls per month

The project was made by:

  • PPC Specialist: Maxim Mazurok
  • WEB developer: Daria Lukiyanchuk
  • Designer: Taras Mitryakov
  • Account manager: Nastya Cheremnykh
  • project manager: Alexander Matola

Having completed the research stage, we focused on the most profitable destinations and in a short period of time significantly increased the volume of calls from the client. In addition, it was possible to bypass the competitor in terms of performance, which had previously been much ahead.

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