SEO promotion (promotion) of the site of the company "Vіkna-ekspres"
"Vikna-express" is the leader in retail sales of metal-plastic windows in Kyiv and the region. The client set the task to increase the number of visits from organic search, which, in turn, should be converted into real applications and orders. Promoted theme - windows in Kyiv and Kyiv region.
Stage of marketing research
We always start any project with a mandatory marketing research. It includes, first of all, a detailed study of:
- the client's business (as detailed as the client and the time/resources to study it allow),
- real competitors (according to the client),
- online competitors (sites actively promoting online)
Marketing research is carried out by several experts of different profiles, all the results are brought together, summed up and transferred to the project team for further work.
We analyzed the key user queries and found that users most often search for windows by:
- a specific type (standard, color, energy-saving, etc.);
- destination (in the house or in the apartment);
- by manufacturer name (Aluplast, Rehau, WDS, etc.).
Website optimization for search queries
The niche in which vikna-ua operates is characterized by extremely high competition, since there are a lot of offers on the market. You need a strong, fresh solution that will allow you to bypass competitors and reach the first positions in Google and Yandex.
We approached the Vikna-UA project from the position of a marketer and developed a solid development strategy that will give the best result, both in the short and long term.
It was decided to optimize the entire site for key queries, create a unique landing page for each popular query. The client decided to try it, and we connected the WEB development department to the project…
Filling the site with unique texts
It’s no secret that unique content is extremely important for organic website promotion. However, filling the site with uninformative SEO texts is far from the best solution. We decided to combine business with pleasure and created a blog.
Useful articles on topics of interest to a potential buyer are published here. Eg:
- Features of installing plastic windows in winter
- Ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows
- How to install blinds on metal-plastic windows, etc.
Results achieved
In addition to optimizing the site structure for search queries and filling the site with unique useful content, work was also carried out with social signals and link mass.
Already after a few (to be more precise, after 5) months of working with the site, traffic from organic search increased by 4.2 times.